Dissertation Defense - Monica Marks (MSE Grad Presentation)

TItle: Quaternary Ammonium Cation Bis-MPA Dendron PDMS Hybrid Copolymers: Synthesis, Characterization, Behavior and Functional Use as Macromolecular Additives in Sylgard 184
TItle: Development of Proton Conducting Electrolytes with Enhanced Performance and Stability for Reversible Solid Oxide Cells
Location: Via MicrosoftTeams Video Conferencing
TItle: Energy-Tunable X-Ray Infrastructure At GT: Where We Are and Where Do We Want to Go?
Location: Marcus Nanotechnology Building 1117-1118
TItle: Thermal Evaporation for Deposition of Metal Halide Perovskites
Location: MRDC 3515
TItle: Role of Heterogeneities on the Shock Compression Response of Additively Manufactured Highly Solids Loaded Polymer Composites and Two-Layered Bimetallic Alloys
Location: MRDC 3515 & via Microsoft Teams

BioE PhD DefenseTroy G. Batugal (MSE Grad Presentation)

Location: Via Zoom
TItle: Characterizing Microstructure-sensitive Mechanical Response of Open-Cell Metal Foams using High-fidelity Models and In-situ Experiments
Location: College of Computing Building - Room 016
TItle: A Knowledge Graph for Materials Informatics
Location: Via BlueJeans Video Conferencing

Dissertation Defense - Daron Spence (MSE Grad Presentation)

TItle: "Understanding Heat Management Enabled by Silica Based Insulating Microstructures and Dielectric Mirrors"
Location: Via Teams Video Link:
TItle: Design of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Membranes Using Density Functional Theory and Machine Learning
Location: via BlueJeans Video Conferencing
TItle: No title
Location: Bluejeans

Masters Thesis Defense Benjamin Jean (MSE Grad Presentation)

TItle: Controlling Inorganic Loading in Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity 1 with Vapor Phase Infiltration Vapor Pressure Exposure Time and Precursor Chemistry
Location: Love 109 & via BlueJeans Video Conferencing https://bluejeans.com/2518603373

Dissertation Defense John A Lewis (MSE Grad Presentation)

TItle: Probing Interfacial Dynamics in SolidState Lithium Metal Batteries
Location: MRDC 4211 & via Microsoft Teams

Masters Thesis Defense Conor Evans (MSE Grad Presentation)

TItle: Enhancing Air Electrode Performance of Solid Oxide Cells by Surface Modification
Location: Via BlueJeans Video Conferencing https://bluejeans.com/2734022721/
TItle: The Dark Energy of Quantum Materials
Location: Marcus Nanotechnology Building | 345 Ferst Drive | Atlanta GA 30332