Title: No Title
TItle: Designing Polymers to Control Electronic and Thermal Transport
Location: Molecular Sciences and Engineering 3201A and via Teams
Meeting ID: 976 1589 6661
TItle: Investigating the Interfacial Evolution of Lithium Metal in Anode-Free Batteries with Liquid and Solid-State Electrolytes
Location: In person MRDC 3515 or via Zoom
TItle: TBA
Location: College of Computing 16
TItle: Characterizing Plastic Deformation Mechanisms in Metal Thin Films using in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Nanomechanics
Location: via Zoom

Industry Mentoring Luncheon (MSE Regular Event)

Title: No Title
TItle: "Nano and Polymers and Mechanics and Data".
Location: College of Computing 16
Title: No Title
TItle: TBA
Location: College of Computing 16
TItle: "Materials and fabrication for advanced soft electronic devices".
Location: College of Computing 16

MSE Industry Mentoring Luncheon (MSE Regular Event)

Title: No Title
MSE Special Seminar
TItle: "Towards the integration of quantum, statistical, and irreversible thermodynamics".
Location: Love 184

Dissertation Defense – Decarle Jin (MSE Grad Presentation)

TItle: The Impact of Mass Transport and Surface Charging on The Performance of Field Effect Transistor Biosensors
Location: Pettit 102A and via Teams
Title: No Title