Selected Refereed Papers (out of > 60)
1. I. Kovalenko, D. Bucknall, G. Yushin, Detonation Nanodiamond and Onion-like Carbon - Embedded Polyaniline for Supercapacitors, Advanced Functional Materials, 2010
2. A. Magasinski, P. Dixon, B. Hertzberg, A. Kvit, J. Ayala, G. Yushin, High-Performance Lithium-Ion Anodes Using Hierarchical Bottom-up Approach, Nature Materials, 2010, 9 (4) p. 353-358.
3. B. Hertzberg, A. Alexeev, G. Yushin, Deformations in Si-Li Anodes Upon Electrochemical Alloying in Nano-Confined Space, JACS Communications, Article ASAP, 2010, 132 (25), p. 8548
4. Y. Korenblit, M. Rose, E. Kockrick, L. Borchardt, A. Kvit, S. Kaskel, G. Yushin, High-Rate Electrochemical Capacitors Based on Ordered Mesoporous Silicon Carbide-Derived Carbon, ACS Nano, 2010, 4 (3), p. 1337-1344.
5. A. Kajdos, F. Jones, A. Kvit, J. Jagiello, G. Yushin, Tailoring the Pore Alignment for Rapid Ion Transport in Microporous Carbon, JACS Communications, Article ASAP, 2010, 132 (1) p. 3252.
6. S. Yachamaneni, G. Yushin, S.-H. Yeon, Y. Gogotsi, C. Howell, S. Sandeman, G. Phillips, S. Mikhalovsky, Mesoporous Carbide-Derived Carbon for Cytokine Removal from Blood Plasma, Biomaterials, 2010, 31(18) p. 4789-4794.
7. M.V. Rybin, A.B. Khanikaev, M. Inoue, K.B. Samusev, M.J. Steel, G. Yushin, and M.F. Limonov, Fano Resonance between Mie and Bragg Scattering in Photonic Crystals. Physical Review Letters, 2009. 103(2):
8. K.D. Behler, A. Stravato, V. Mochalin, G. Korneva, G. Yushin, and Y. Gogotsi, Nanodiamond-Polymer Composite Fibers and Coatings. ACS Nano, 2009. 3(2), p. 363-369.
9. A.V.Baryshev, A.B. Khanikaev, M. Inoue, P.B. Lim, A.V. Sel'kin, G. Yushin, and M.F. Limonov, Resonant behavior and selective switching of stop bands in three-dimensional photonic crystals with inhomogeneous components. Physical Review Letters, 2007, 99(6).
10. J. Chmiola, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi P, C. Portet, Simon, P.-L. Taberna, Anomalous increase in carbon capacitance at pore size below 1 nm, Science, 313, 2006 (no. 5794), p.1760-1763.
11. G. Yushin, R.K. Dash, Y. Gogotsi, and J.E. Fischer, Enhanced Hydrogen Uptake by Carbide Derived Carbons with Optimized Pore Structure, Advanced Functional Materials, 2006, 16, p.2288-2293.
12. S. Osswald, G. Yushin, V. Mochalin, S. Kucheyev, Y. Gogotsi, Control of sp2/sp3 carbon ratio and surface chemistry of nanodiamond powders by selective oxidation in air, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, p.11635-11642 (2006).
13. G. Yushin, E.N. Hoffman, M.W. Barsoum, Y.Gogotsi, C.A. Howell, S.R. Sandeman, G.J. Phillips, A.W. Lloyd, and S.V. Mikhalovsky, Mesoporous carbide-derived carbon with porosity tuned for efficient adsorption of cytokines, Biomaterials, 2006, 27, p.5755-5762.
14. Z.G. Cambaz, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, and V.G. Lutsenko, Anisotropic Etching of SiC Wiskers, Nano Lett., 2006, 6 (3): p.548-551. (cover page image)
15. Y. Gogotsi, R.K. Dash, G. Yushin, T. Yildirim, G. Laudisio, and J.E. Fischer, Tailoring of Nanoscale Porosity in Carbide-Derived Carbons for Hydrogen Storage. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127 (46), p.16006-16007.
Book Chapters
- G. Yushin, A. Nikitin, Y. Gogotsi, Carbide Derived Carbon, Ch. 8 in Nanomaterials Handbook, Ed. Y. Gogotsi, CRC Press, (2006).
- G. Yushin, A. Nikitin, Y. Gogotsi, Carbide Derived Carbon, Ch. 6 in Carbon Nanomaterials, Ed. Y. Gogotsi, CRC Press, (2206).